Thursday, January 2

Christmas Season Update

She was burning up, thinking for sure she looked like one hot mess... but that was definitely not the case! What was an unseasonably warm late fall day became a brisk Christmas morning in camera!
They were running behind, feeling stressed and pressed in other matters - what would they wear?  how would they pull it all together? Once they got settled in, in front of me & the camera, all questions were quickly forgotten & all cares were set aside! Such beauty in that!
Mosquitoes all around, buzzing and biting everyone - how the heck were we going to get smiles that were real & make this be an enjoyable experience? A whole lot of reflector flapping from a fun, goofy husband does the trick quite well I would say!
"Where in the world are we going... I thought you said we were only going a little ways"! "We are", I assure them. "Just a tiny little bit more to walk; there's a picturesque tree and patch of "hay grass" up the road here".  It was worth every step of the way!
Manoons! Manoons! "Manoons" were delightfully thrilling to this kid! He just could play with them the whole session if we let him. Captured his attention every time!

 Some great, fun clients this year! I thank each of you for your business & wish you & yours a Happy & Blessed New Year! 

1 comment:

  1. Photo shoots run the gammet of experiences...and yet your results are wonderful! You capture them so well.
